
MASTER pipe fitting mould

Industry analysts pointed out: PVC complete industrial chain and supported by the domestic raw materials, PVC pipe production in 2010 accounted for 55% of the total. In recent years, PVC pipe market is affected by various factors in the continuing decline in its market share. The PVC pipe market share decline has three  MASTER molds for plaster  major areas:Plastic injection mold makers
First: PVC pipe market impact of other plastic pipes PE, PPR, etc., is to seize some market share;MASTER pipe fitting mould   a lot of filling in the formulation of calcium carbonate, shoddy, affecting the PVC pipe industry's image direct impact on the PVC market share, accelerate the loss of PVC market share.
But overall, although PVC pipe share declining, but still occupy the dominant position of plastic pipe market. And tantalizing prospect of plastic pipe industry is still driven by the development of a major highlight of PVC pipe industry.

