
about plastic injection toy mould

Arrangement of the cavity is closely related with the gating system arrangement, the cavity arrangement should make each cavity from the total pressure in equal share enough pressure required by the gating system, to ensure that the plastic melt and evenly with each cavity, the  MASTER custom injection moulding quality were all cavity stability. This requires between the cavity and runner of the shortest distance as far as possible, as far as possible to the balance of the runner and gate size and reasonable uniform cooling. Injection molding, plastic parts in the mold type projection area on the surface is the main factor affecting the clamping force, its numerical value is greater, the clamping force and plastic parts in the horizontal projection area on the surface, in order to have a reliable locking, the forming process of the overflow phenomenon appears, the plastic melt molding pressure on the cavity and the plastic part and the gating system product projection area at the parting surface of  MASTER plastic injection mold makers and is less than the rated locking force.

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