
reaction injection moulding in overseas development

The first is the reaction injection moulding industry trend to China, Southeast Asia metastasis. Japan's mold production capacity of about 40% of the world, ranking first in the world to export a large number of die per year. Mold now increasingly competitive market, so the injection mold maker  mold industry is also working to reduce production costs. Mold industry sector is higher labor costs, Japan's labor costs are ten times China and Southeast Asia, and the human cost of more than 70% are non-core technical staff. So now Japan's mold industry is not high-tech gradually mold parts to low labor cost areas of production, only in high-tech products domestic production, injection mold maker lucrative. Using reaction injection followed by Japan's major companies have a tendency to accelerate moulding transfer abroad, which makes Japan to reduce the amount of their molds. Like with the mold industry, mechanical and electrical companies in order to reduce the cost of expansion overseas, middle and low mold began to switch to cheaper local mold. To this end, the Japanese mold industry more accelerated pace in overseas development mold manufacturers.

